Duffhuës (Belgien)
Songs of Murder, Mystery & Traveling
Dienstag 18. September 2012

Dark songs of sadness, anger, nature’s mysteries, demons and devils, that’s what the music of Duffhuës is about. Niels Duffhuës writes the songs for this two-piece band. He’s got an old soul and an ancient voice. He started as the singer of the Dutch symphonic metal band The Gathering, progressed through the rocknoise of Enos and then created his own world of human failure by writing songs, stories and theatre plays, that can be catagorized as modern fairytales or personal tales of mystery and wonder.
Duffhuës recorded six albums. Last of them is Among the Ruins that was released in january 2011. The album was produced by Marcel van de Vondervoort (Astrosoniq) and released on Space Jam Records/ Suburban/ Cargo.

Amazio & Bartoli (Napoli/Firenze)
Donnerstag 13. September 2012

“La sua musica mette in luce la sua poliedrica ricchezza, fatta di sensibilità, appassionato riferimento culturale alle sue origini e briosa capacità tecnica e compositiva. Un musicista in piena e continua evoluzione. ”
(Bruno Pollacci per Animajazz)
Qualcuno parla di un Metheny mediterraneo, ma personalmente riconosco nella personalità di Amazio un suono che è fusione del suo percorso come musicista e come uomo, una creatività sensibile a ciò che lui vede, sente e respira.
(Sabrina Ancarola per jazzitalia)
Tito Plaza y los Desconocidos de Siempre
Freitag 7. September 2012
JCCP (Bern)
Donnerstag 6. September 2011

Das Jazz-Trio. In dieser klassischen Besetzung kreierte Jamie Cullum einen der explosivsten Live-Acts heutzutage. JCCP fügt diesen Zutaten noch eine Bassklarinette hinzu und treibt den Swing auf die Spitze!
JCCP spielt frische und authentische Cover-Versionen, genauso energiegeladen und quirlig, wie man es vom genialen kleinen Engländer kennt. Dabei wechseln sich Swing-Klassiker mit packenden Pop-Songs ab, welche mal Soul und Blues atmen, mal den Brit-Rock zelebrieren oder ein Disco-Feuerwerk zünden, das die Tanzfläche zum Glühen bringt. Im Repertoire sind unter anderem die Alben "Twentysomething", "Catching Tales", Teile von "Pointless Nostalgic" sowie sein grossartiges neues Album "The Pursuit".